Explore NCRR’s projects and portfolio to discover partnership opportunities tailored for growth and innovation.
The underpass at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) was built to improve safety and provide easier access between parts of the growing campus, allowing pedestrians to pass under the NCRR 4-track main line.
NCDOT used ARRA funds to build a grade separation at Hopson Road, eliminating a crossing hazard and straightening the curve to improve speed east of the I-40 bridge.
We partnered with Norfolk Southern to improve the railroad bridge over the Trent River in New Bern.
We improved safety and speed by installing an overhead bridge, Charlotte’s busiest NCRR crossing, in partnership with NCDOT and federal TIGER funding.
We helped replace the 1927 Crabtree Creek bridge in Morrisville, adding a pedestrian greenway and space for a future second track.
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application, or question —
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