Explore NCRR’s projects and portfolio to discover partnership opportunities tailored for growth and innovation.
We partnered with the City of High Point on improvements to slopes and the track bed to address drainage and appearance issues.
The Chatham Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) megasite, with over 1,400 available acres for industrial site selection.
A two-mile passing siding was constructed near LaGrange to boost capacity along the eastern corridor. Previously, trains couldn’t pass each other on the 114-mile stretch between Morehead City and Selma.
The underpass at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) was built to improve safety and provide easier access between parts of the growing campus, allowing pedestrians to pass under the NCRR 4-track main line.
We improved safety and speed by installing an overhead bridge, Charlotte’s busiest NCRR crossing, in partnership with NCDOT and federal TIGER funding.
NCDOT used ARRA funds to build a grade separation at Hopson Road, eliminating a crossing hazard and straightening the curve to improve speed east of the I-40 bridge.
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