BRS funds can be used for land preparation, such as clearing and grading and extending water and sewer capabilities. The selection criteria for this program prioritizes proposals from rural and economically-distressed communities, sites with demonstrated community backing, and locations with support from infrastructure partners, including railroads and certain utility providers.
Build Ready Sites 2022 Program Award Recipients
- Beaufort County Industrial Park (Beaufort County)
- Claremont International Rail Site (Catawba County)
- CAM Site (Chatham County)
- Midstate Development Center (Chatham County)
- Project Tin Cup (Iredell County)
- Candor Downtown Site (Montgomery County)
- 311 South Site (Randolph County)
- Scotland Incubator Park (Scotland County)
The Build Ready Sites 2023 Program application process will open in July and close in September of this year. For more information and to stay up to date on Build Ready Sites application criteria and deadlines, please visit
About the North Carolina Railroad Company
The North Carolina Railroad Company is a private corporation whose voting stock is owned by the state of North Carolina. The Company manages the use of 317 miles of track and property stretching from Charlotte to the Port of Morehead City. The Company’s mission is to benefit North Carolina by aggressively leveraging the unique strengths and capabilities of the North Carolina Railroad Company. Our vision is a modernized railroad that meets the needs of the future, expanding North Carolina’s competitive advantage.
About the Build Ready Site Initiative
The North Carolina Railroad Company started the Build Ready Site (BRS) program in 2021. The program provides funding for rail-served sites to develop land and become “build ready” to attract new businesses to the area. Award recipients must undergo a rigorous application and site review process. Recipients can use BRS funds for land preparation (clearing/grading) and critical water/sewer extension. This innovative program encourages business investment in the state, fosters growth in local communities and expands North Carolina’s competitive edge.